Event Type: Workshop

Date: October 27, 2023 to

Venue: Royal Princess Hotel Larnluang, Bangkok

The Royal Thai Government has mainstreamed WPS issues into the existing national tools and instruments on security, justice and development and also developed the Measure and Guideline on Women, Peace and Security in 2017. In addition, the Coordination Center for Children and women in the Southern Border Provinces (CCCW-SBP) was established in 2019 by the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC) in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS), and in partnership with UN Women and UNICEF. The CCCW-SBP coordinates the implementation of the Measure and Guidelines on Women, Peace and Security to address the needs of women and children. In 2020, the Sub-Committee on Advancement and Monitoring of the Implementation of The Measure and Guideline on Women, Peace and Security was established to monitor the implementation of Measure and Guideline on WPS and to advance WPS agenda in the country. As the. Measure and Guideline on WPS have a specific duration from 2017-2021 and came to an end in 2021, the Department of Women’s Affairs and Family Development, with technical support from UN Women, is assessing the implementation of the Measure and Guideline for further development of WPS policy framework.

In addition, UN Women is also implementing a programme on “Women, Peace and Cybersecurity: Promoting Women’s Peace and Security in the Digital World” with the support of the Republic of Korea and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) of Australian Government. The project considers cybersecurity issues along the four pillars of the WPS agenda – protection, participation, prevention, and peacebuilding. These pillars inform the programmatic approach through placing emphasis on protecting women’s rights in the digital world; promoting women’s participation in cybersecurity including in the cyber workforce and decision-making on cybersecurity laws and frameworks; supporting women’s capacities to engage in the prevention of cybersecurity threats, including cyber-crime, cyber-enabled trafficking in persons, and online hate speech; and enabling online peacebuilding by women, youth, civil society and cyber-defenders.

Against this backdrop, UN Women in partnership with the Ministry of Social Devleopment and Humen Security (MSDHS) will organize a national government stakeholder workshop to discuss and validate the draft National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security.