Cover_Specalised Training Materials

Publication Date: May 13, 2024

Organization: United Nations

Languages: English

Country/Region: Global

Topic Area: Gender Mainstreaming, Gender equality and women’s empowerment, Peace and security, Conflict prevention, Relief and Recovery, Leadership and political participation

Resource Type: Case Study, Toolkit


In accordance with the UNGA resolution 49/37, the Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) is a national responsibility and requests the UN Secretariat to issue the standardised training guidance to this effect. The Specialised Training Materials (STM) for UN Infantry Battalions (UNIBAT) are published to standardise the PDT of all Infantry units deploying to UN Peace operations.

The UNIBAT STM is intended to provide troop-contributing countries with a comprehensive training package that combines the conceptual, legal, and operational frameworks for Infantry Battalions and Companies, and other UN Military Units with Infantry capabilities, i.e., UN Special Forces units. This package includes small exercises and a larger capstone scenario-based exercise, which can be run at the end of the training to strengthen the understanding of the planning processes at the tactical level of Peacekeeping Operations. The training package is designed for application during the PDT but can also be used for in-mission training.

The target audience of this package is trainers of military decision-makers, leaders, and staff at the tactical level from Sector Headquarters to the company levels. The materials may lend themselves to a wider audience. The audience for this STM package includes personnel identified as military commanders, decision-makers and staff officers (including Force and Sector Headquarters), who, during their UN deployment, may be assigned to, employ, coordinate, or perform missions with UNIBAT. Additionally, it is noted that the military leadership from member states at their national peacekeeping training institutions, course directors, and instructors of military schools will benefit from these materials.

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