Women’s voices and leadership are key to sustaining peace, stability and development in the region. ASEAN is committed to advancing women, peace and security (WPS) as a regional priority agenda.
The WPS agenda in ASEAN is guided by the commitments to implement the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) and other related resolutions on women, peace and security. Other key reference instruments are the Beijing Platform for Action, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and ASEAN policy statements and plans of action on the promotion of the women, peace and security agenda as well as the protection of women’s rights.
Since the adoption of the Joint Statement on Promoting Women, Peace, and Security in ASEAN by ASEAN Leaders at the 31st ASEAN Summit in 2017, ASEAN has set important milestones in implementing the WPS agenda through concerted multi-sectoral efforts and partnerships:
To further enhance women’s engagement for sustainable peace, ASEAN has embraced an all-encompassing approach to women, peace and security from the angle of preventing and countering violent extremism, disaster management and climate change to women in peace processes and post-conflict rehabilitation. Recognizing the mutual reinforcement and interconnectivity of economics and peace, regional efforts are forged to articulate women, peace and security in the context of economic integration. Women’s economic empowerment is also enforced as a form of conflict prevention, resolution and recovery.
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