• Website:https://lembagapartisipasiperempuan.com
  • Type of Organization:Community-based Non Governmental Organization
  • Geographic Focus:Indonesia
  • Demographic Focus:Women and girls
  • Top 3 Priorities:1. Working with women's network to ensure the implementation of women's human rights instruments in Indonesia including writing reports on treaty and non treaty bodies including CEDAW, BPFA, UPR, UNSCR 1325, UN special rappoteur, etc. 2. Women's participation in public sphere and to do advocacy on gender responsive policy. 3. Strenghtening feminist movement by organizing feminist class and workshop on feminist writing every year for young women.
  • WPS Area of Focus:Support for WPS normative development/ National Action Plans ;Strengthening women’s participation in peace processes and mediation, conflict prevention and peacebuilding ;Gender perspectives in peacekeeping/ gender responsive security sector reform ;Women’s participation in social cohesion and promotion of community resilience ;Women’s political participation;

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