• Website:https://yayasansapa.id/
  • Type of Organization:Community-based Non Governmental Organization
  • Geographic Focus:Indonesia
  • Demographic Focus:Women and girls, Youth, Rural Women, Migrant and displaced women
  • Top 3 Priorities:1. Strengthening women and vulnerable groups to enable them to advocate for their human rights, including the rights of women victims of violence, through the Community Service Center 2. Developing initiatives for economic independence and resilience for women's groups and vulnerable groups based on local potential. 3. Enhancing strategic collaboration and partnerships among stakeholders to promote and ensure the implementation of gender-justice and inclusive public policies
  • WPS Area of Focus:Women’s participation in preventing violent extremism;Women’s participation in disaster risk reduction, protection in Crisis and disaster response ;Women’s participation in social cohesion and promotion of community resilience ;Access to Justice ;Gender responsive budgeting, data and statistics;

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