ASEAN Women, Peace and Security Summit: High-Level Dialogue to Advance the Implementation of the Regional Plan of Action on Women, Peace and Security
Event Type: Conferences
Date: July 6, 2023 to July 7, 2023
Venue: Yogyakarta, Indonesia and online
The landmark adoption of the ASEAN RPA WPS at the ASEAN Summit in 2022 demonstrates a strong political will and commitments among ASEAN and ASEAN Member States to formalize its Women, Peace and Security architecture. The ASEAN RPA WPS aims to provide a regional normative and policy framework to guide the WPS implementation and localisation into the specific context of Southeast Asia and to support ASEAN Member States to integrate the WPS agenda into peace and security decision making across the region. It is designed to provide a degree of flexibility to adapt and tailor the WPS agenda into the specific national contexts and also provides synergies between regional and national efforts to implement WPS, including integration of WPS into peace and security decision making, building regional community of practice, as well as exchange of good practices and lessons learned in Southeast Asia.
Under Indonesia Chair of ASEAN 2023, the ASEAN High-Level Dialogue to Advance the Implementation of the Regional Plan of Action on Women, Peace and Security aims to galvanize the support of ASEAN and ASEAN Member States and mobilise inter-pillar collaboration across all three ASEAN community pillars for the implementation of the ASEAN RPA WPS both at regional and national levels. The Dialogue will further strengthen political commitment and leverage the momentum of the launch of the RPA WPS to identify concrete initiatives that will ensure progress on priority action identified in the RPA, building on existing efforts as well as areas that have already gained broad political support. The Summit will provide an opportunity for ASEAN Member States to have exposure to experiences in the region, generate excitement and commitment for implementation of concrete flagship initiatives at the national and regional levels as appropriate.
The Dialogue will further facilitate the establishment of regional coordination and reporting mechanisms for implementation of the RPA WPS, provide a platform for awareness raising and share good practices and support coordination and networking among ACW, ACWC and key ASEAN sectoral bodies across all three ASEAN Community Pillars.
* Registration is closed.