Launching of the RAN P3AKS 2014-2023 Implementation Report (Indonesia)
Invest in Women, Peace, and Security: Accelerating Progress in Gender Equality

Event Type: Launch Events
Date: March 14, 2024 to
Starts at: 9:00 am and Ends at: 1:00 pm
As a member of the United Nations, Indonesia has adopted the UNSCR 1325 to a National Action Plan on the Protection and Empowerment of Women and Children in Social Conflicts or known as the RAN P3AKS (Rencana Aksi Nasional tentang Perlindungan dan Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak dalam Konflik Sosial). Indonesia is currently implementing its second generation. Despite results already achieved there are still challenges that are being faced. A lack of financial resources has been identified as one of the major challenges that impeded the implementation of the National Action Plan. Despite significant attempts by the governments to advance the implementation of RAN P3AKS, failure to allocate sufficient resources and funds has been the most persistent obstacle to the implementation of the WPS agenda over the past 10 years.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2024, Indonesia will be launching its first report on the implementation of RAN P3AKS for the period of 2022-2023. Under the theme of “Invest in Women, Peace, and Security: Accelerating Progress in Gender Equality”, this report launching marks a significant stride towards gender equality, peace, and security in Indonesia.
In this event, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs and the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection will be presenting Indonesia’s RAN P3AKS report, highlighting achievements, challenges, and future priorities for advancing women’s participation in peace and security efforts. Continued with a dialogue on Financing Women, Peace, and Security: Accelerating Progress in Gender Equality. This dialogue will provide an opportunity to reflect on how much stronger efforts are needed to address women’s specific needs and advance gender equality , in particular to scale up women-led initiatives, drawing upon the lessons and opportunities identified in the RAN P3AKS 2022-2023 implementation report.
Join us on Zoom
Meeting ID: 567 082 0193
Passcode: IWD2024