Women in Leadership and Diplomacy Forum: Rights. Equality. Empowerment.

Event Type: Seminars, Conferences
Date: January 23, 2025 to
Venue: Salão Nobre, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Dili, Timor-Leste
In the recent years, Timor-Leste has made notable strides in promoting women’s participation and leadership in foreign policy, diplomacy, and decision making at national level. In 2023, Timor-Leste has the first female President of the National Parliament, and 36.9% of the seats (24 out of 65) in the National Parliament are held by women. Today, Timorese women’s growing influence in the field of diplomacy and foreign affairs is garnering increased recognition. Nonetheless, women’s contribution in public affairs and diplomatic fronts are under-estimated, and women are still vastly under-represented in all spectrums of decision making at both national and sub-national levels. Recent data shows pronounced gender gap on the share of women in ministerial and secretariat of state positions (14.9% – 7 out of 47 seats). The women’s representation at the suku (village) chief level remains at 4%. Various issues including structural discrimination and inequitable social norms, lack of family and community support, limited access to political and diplomatic networks, inadequate support in skills training and capacity development, remain critical challenges which impede the promotion of women to senior roles in decision making processes.
In January 2024, The Government of Timor-Leste officially adopted the second-generation National Action Plan (2024-2028) for implementing the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (“NAP 1325”), with the technical support of UN Women. The NAP 1325, spanning five years, serves as a holistic and multi-stakeholder national strategy to ensure that gender equality and women’s leadership is integral to every aspect of decision making across sectors including local governance and diplomacy, and security and defence, and in all processes of peacebuilding and post-conflict recovery and development. The approval of the NAP 1325 (2024-2028) by the Council of Ministers on 10 January 2024 signifies a robust commitment of the Government of Timor-Leste to plan, develop, implement and invest in advancing its national Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda in the context of post-COVID-19 recovery and its accession into the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
The active and meaningful participation of women at all levels of decision-making is essential to the achievement of equality, sustainable development, peace, democracy and diplomacy. Global evidence tells us that groups of diverse policymakers bring to the table distinct perspectives, experience and insights, including those of women and people with intersectional identities. When women meaningfully participate in decision-making processes, the experiences and needs of women and girls are more likely to be heard and taken into consideration, which can result in more representative policies and strategies that benefit the wider public communities. The dedicated investment in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in political leadership, public affairs and diplomatic fields will contribute towards a more inclusive, just and prosperous future for all.
In support of these efforts, under the leadership of the Vice Minister for ASEAN Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEC), the MNEC and UN Women have jointly re-activated the “Women in Leadership and Diplomacy Forum” since 2023 for strengthening supportive network amongst Timorese women leaders in governance and public affairs, ambassadors and diplomats, and upscaling the outreach and advocacy for increased women’s leadership and gender equality in other areas contributing to peace and sustainable development, and post-COVID-19 recovery of the country and in the region. The forum expanded Timorese women leaders’ support network, fostering and revitalizing platforms for meaningful and inter-generational exchanges amongst experienced and emerging and young women leaders across sectors. This contributes to the implementation of its national commitments in international and regional WPS agenda, and advocate for women’s empowerment and transformative leadership, and equal representation across sectors.
In September 2023 and June 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, with UN Women’s support, organized two Forums to promote the network for women leaders, ambassadors and diplomats, as well as upscale the outreach and advocacy for increased women’s leadership and gender equality in other areas contributing to peace and sustainable development, and post-COVID-19 recovery of the country and in the region.
The “Women in Leadership and Diplomacy Forum” in 2025seeks to acknowledge and celebrate the pivotal role women play in leadership and diplomacy, breaking barriers and shaping a more inclusive and equal future for all.
[1] UN Women & United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (2022). Progress on the Sustainable Development: The Gender Snapshots 2022. Available at https://www.unwomen.org/sites/default/files/2022-09/Progress-on-the-sustainable-development-goals-the-gender-snapshot-2022-en_0.pdf