Event Type: Workshop

Date: March 25, 2024 to March 27, 2024

Venue: Timor Plaza, Comoro, Dili 

The Government of Timor-Leste, under the leadership and coordination of the Ministry of Interior, continues to promote gender equality and rights of women and girls as the country works towards sustaining peace and accelerating development progresses in two decades after the restoration of independence. On 10 January 2024, the Government of Timor-Leste officially approved the second-generation NAP 1325 (2024-2028). The approval of the NAP 1325 (2024-2028) by the Council of Ministers signifies a robust commitment of the Government of Timor-Leste to plan, develop, implement and invest in advancing its national WPS agenda in the context of post-COVID-19 recovery and its accession into the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

The NAP 1325, spanning five years, serves as a holistic and multi-stakeholder national strategy to ensure that gender equality and women’s leadership is integral to every aspect of conflict prevention and resolution, peacebuilding and post-conflict recovery, counter human trafficking and humanitarian response in Timor-Leste.

To advance the national Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda, in partnership with the Ministry of Interior, UN Women has been providing technical support to national security institutions and line ministries within the NAP 1325 architecture, as well as civil society organizations (CSOs) in strengthening their capacities to plan, implement, invest, monitor and report their commitments in the second generation NAP 1325.

Following the Launch of the NAP 1325 in February 2024, the NAP 1325 Secretariat led by the Ministry of Interior, with UN Women’s support, jointly organized a learning and planning workshop with the NAP 1325 Focal Points from the Government and CSO members. The 2.5-day workshop was held in Dili, Timor-Leste, from 25 to 27 March, with over 90 participants from line ministries and CSOs.


  • To enhance understanding of the key actors of the NAP 1325 Structure on their roles, commitments and action plans outlined in the NAP 1325 (2024-2028), and its significance in promoting women’s participation and leadership in peace and security efforts.
  • To strengthen capacity of the NAP 1325 Structure, which is composed of the relevant government institutions and CSOs, and equip them with necessary knowledge and skills to effectively carry out their roles under the NAP 1325 Work Plan (2024-2028).
  • To provide a platform promoting effective communication and coordination among government institutions, CSOs, and other relevant stakeholders involved in the implementation of the NAP1325, ensuring a more coherent and unified approach towards implementation, monitoring and reporting.
  • To identify and discuss emerging challenges to peace and security in Timor-Leste and in the region, including Cybersecurity and Climate Change and Peace, and to explore gender-responsive and innovative approaches for addressing them within the framework of the NAP1325.
  • Each Thematic Group to discuss and identify priorities, and develop Implementation and Budget Plan.

The event is not for public