Localizing Women, Peace and Security

ASEAN Member States (AMS) are increasingly localizing the WPS agenda through National Action Plans on WPS (NAP WPS), with ongoing development in Cambodia and Thailand and implementation in:

  • Indonesia, with a second-generation NAP (2020-2025)
  • Philippines, with a fourth-generation NAP (2023-2033)
  • Viet Nam (2024-2030)

Timor-Leste, the new ASEAN Observer State, has also localized the WPS agenda, through a second-generation NAP (2024-2028).

National gender laws and gender equality policies as well as labor and social protection laws to promote women’s opportunity and outcomes continue to address WPS issues at the country-level. Successful national experiences in the meaningful implementation of the WPS agenda across AMS include innovative approaches, such as Indonesia’s peace villages and the Philippines’ community early warning systems for crisis prevention. Meanwhile, the importance of inclusive processes where governments and civil society work together has been demonstrated in the Philippines’ first NAP developed through comprehensive nationwide consultations with civil society and Indonesia’s integration of WPS principles into Preventing Violent Extremism and localized plans in partnership with subnational governments.