Timor-Leste launches 2nd generation of its National Action Plan 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (NAP 1325)

Dili, Timor-Leste — The Government of Timor-Leste, with UN Women’s support, has today officially launched the second-generation National Action Plan (2024-2028) for implementing the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (“NAP 1325”). The NAP 1325, spanning five years, serves as a holistic and multi-stakeholder national strategy to ensure that gender equality and women’s leadership is integral to every aspect of conflict prevention and resolution, peacebuilding and post-conflict recovery, and humanitarian response in Timor-Leste.
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (“CEDAW”) and the UN Security Council Resolutions (“UNSCR”) on Women, Peace and Security (“WPS”) have established important obligations for the protection of women’s human rights and achievement of gender equality relative to issues of international peace and security. Resolution 1325 was the first WPS resolution unanimously adopted by the UN Security Council on 31 October 2000. This landmark resolution is an inspiring global normative framework recognizing the importance of women’s meaningful and full participation and leadership as active agents in peace and security.
Recognizing the profound contribution of Timorese women in peacebuilding and sustainable development across generations in their history, Timor-Leste was the third country in South-East Asia to develop a WPS National Action Plan (2016-2020). Since 2014, the Government of Timor-Leste and participating civil society organizations (CSOs), in partnership with UN Women, developed and implemented the first NAP 1325, to enhance equal, inclusive and meaningful participation and leadership of Timorese women in decision-making and protection from violence, and to strengthen gender-responsive conflict resolution and peacebuilding practices.
Timor-Leste’s Minister of Interior, H.E. Dr. Francisco da Costa Guterres, emphasized that “recognizing the vital roles of Timorese women in peacebuilding and sustainable development, the second generation NAP 1325 (2024-2028) intends to promote women’s full, meaningful and equal participation and leadership in peace and security, and community conflict prevention and resolution, disaster and humanitarian response, and to expand the contours of women’s roles in decision making in the security and justice sectors, and to all levels of governance.”
Structured around four key pillars – Participation, Prevention, Protection, and Peacebuilding, the new NAP 1325 articulates a comprehensive strategy in response to evolving needs of women and girls to address both traditional and emerging security risks, including impacts of disaster induced by climate change, cybersecurity and human trafficking.
Ms. Nishtha Satyam, UN Women Timor-Leste’s Head of Office, added that “UN Women congratulates the Government of Timor-Leste for approving the second phase WPS NAP. It marks a commitment to further strengthen the Women, Peace and Security agenda in the country. UN Women will continue to support effective implementation and monitoring of the new NAP 1325 that brings together women’s participation and women’s leadership across various sectors of government and society.”
Timor-Leste has made significant progress in promoting women’s participation and leadership in decision making roles at national level, and promoting gender equality within the national security forces. Today, Timor-Leste’s National Parliament is led by a woman, and 36.9 per cent of the seats (24 out of 65) in the National Parliament are held by women. The F-FDTL (Armed Force of Timor-Leste) has recently announced the appointment of the first Timorese female officer as Captain, marking a significant advancement in gender representation and leadership within the military. Nonetheless, women are still vastly under-represented in all spectrums of decision making. As of 2023, only 4 per cent of the elected Suku Chief are women. The representation of women within the national police force stands at 15 per cent, which falls short of the target set in its Gender Strategy of 18 per cent for 2022.
The Government of Timor-Leste, under the leadership and coordination of the Ministry of Interior, continues to promote gender equality and rights of women and girls as the country works towards sustaining peace and accelerating development progresses in two decades after the restoration of independence. On 11 November 2021, in commemoration of the 21st anniversary of UNSCR 1325, the Ministry for Interior and UN Women officially inaugurated the NAP 1325 structure for planning and developing the second phase of the national WPS framework. The development of the second NAP 1325 is a multi-stakeholder and participatory process led by the Ministry of Interior, with UN Women’s technical support, following rounds of consultation and validation workshops with government institutions, CSOs, and development partners at both national and municipal levels during the period of 2021-2023. The representatives of women’s groups, rural women, women with disabilities, women survivors of past conflicts, people with disabilities, and the LGBTIQ + community were included in the consultations. In total, 15 government institutions and 14 civil society organizations were consulted and involved in developing and drafting the second NAP 1325.
The approval of the NAP 1325 (2024-2028) by the Council of Ministers on 10 January 2024 signifies a robust commitment of the Government of Timor-Leste to plan, develop, implement and invest in advancing its national WPS agenda in the context of post-COVID-19 recovery and its accession into the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
For media inquiries and further information, please contact:
NAP 1325 Secretariat, Ministry of Interior
Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste
Mobile: +670 7812 4549; +670 7812 4550 | Email: lilocar64@gmail.com
Felix Maia
Communications Analyst, UN Women Timor-Leste
UN House Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste,
Mobile: +670 7715 0812 | Email: felix.maia@unwomen.org | Facebook: UN Women Timor-Leste
Timor-Leste lansa jerasaun daruak Planu Asaun Nasional 1325 kona-ba Feto, Pás no Seguransa (PAN 1325)
Dili, Timor-Leste — Governu Timor-Leste, ho apoiu husi UN Women, ohin ofisialmente lansa ona Planu Asaun Nasional Jerasaun daruak (2024-2028) ba implementasaun Rezolusaun Konsellu Seguransa Nasoins Unidas nian 1325 kona-ba Feto, Pás no Seguransa (“PAN 1325”). PAN 1325, ba tinan lima nian, sai hanesan estratéjia nasionál ida-ne’ebé integradu no envolve parte interesada oinoin hodi asegura katak igualdade jéneru no lideransa feto nian inkorpora iha aspetu hotu-hotu iha prevensaun no rezolusaun konflitu nian, harii pás no rekuperasaun husi pos-konflitu nian, no resposta umanitária nian iha Timor-Leste.
Konvensaun kona-ba Eliminasaun ba Forma Diskriminasaun Hotu-hotu hasoru Feto (“CEDAW”) no Rezolusaun Konsellu Seguransa ONU nian (“RKSNU”) kona-ba Feto, Pás no Seguransa (“FPS”) estabelese ona obrigasaun importante sira ba protesaun direitu umanu feto sira nian no atinjimentu igualdade jéneru relasiona ho kestaun pás no seguransa internasionál nian. Rezolusaun 1325 mak rezolusaun dahuluk FPS nian ne’ebé aprova ho unanimidade husi Konsellu Seguransa ONU iha 31 Outubru 2000. Rezolusaun ida-ne’e nu’udar enkuadramentu normativu globál ida-ne’ebé inspirador hodi rekoñese importánsia husi feto sira-nia partisipasaun tomak no lideransa ne’ebé signifikativu nu’udar ajente ativu iha pás no seguransa.
Rekoñese kontribuisaun kle’an husi feto Timor-oan sira iha harii pás no dezenvolvimentu sustentavel iha jerasaun hotu-hotu iha sira-nia istória, Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun terseiru iha Sudeste Aziatiku hodi dezenvolve Planu Asaun Nasionál FPS (2016-2020). Hahú husi tinan 2014, Governu Timor-Leste ho partisipasaun Organizasaun Sosiedade Sivíl sira (OSS), parseria ho UN Women, dezenvolve no implementa ona PAN 1325 dahuluk nian, hodi hasa’e partisipasaun no lideransa feto Timor-oan sira-nian ne’ebe igual, inkluzivu no signifikativu iha prosesu foti desizaun no protesaun husi violénsia, no hametin prátika rezolusaun konflitu no harii pás ne’ebe sensivel ba jéneru.
Ministro Interior Timor-Leste S.E. Dr. Francisco da Costa Guterres hateten katak “Rekoñese papél fundamentál husi feto Timoroan sira iha harii pás no dezenvolvimentu sustentável, jerasaun daruak PAN 1325 (2024-2028) hakarak promove feto sira-nia partisipasaun tomak no lideransa ne’ebe signifikativu no igual iha pás no seguransa, no iha prevensaun no rezolusaun konflitu komunitáriu, resposta ba dezastre no umanitária, no habelar kontestu sira kona-ba feto sira-nia papél iha foti desizaun iha setór seguransa no justisa, no ba nivel governasaun hotu-hotu.”
Estruturadu iha pilár prinsipál haat – Partisipasaun, Prevensaun, Protesaun no Harii Pás, PAN foun 1325 artikula estratéjia ida-ne’ebé kompriensivu hodi responde ba nesesidade evolusaun feto no labarik-feto sira-nian atu responde ba risku seguransa tradisionál no risku sira seluk ne’ebe mosu, inklui impaktu dezastre ne’ebé kauza husi mudansa klimátika, seguransa sibernetika no tráfiku umanu.
Sra. Nishtha Satyam, Xefe UN Women Timor-Leste nian, hatutan tan katak “UN Women kongratula Governu Timor-Leste tanba aprova ona PAN FPS faze daruak nian. Ida ne’e marka kompromisu ida atu hametin liután ajenda Feto, Pás no Seguransa iha nasaun ne’e. UN Women sei kontinua fó apoiu ba implementasaun no monitorizasaun ne’ebé efetivu ba PAN foun 1325 nian ne’ebé halibur hamutuk feto sira-nia partisipasaun no lideransa iha setór hotu-hotu iha governu no sosiedade.”
Timor-Leste halo ona progresu signifikativu hodi promove feto sira-nia partisipasaun no lideransa iha papél foti desizaun iha nivel nasionál, no promove igualdade jéneru iha forsa seguransa nasionál nia laran. Ohin loron, Parlamentu Nasionál Timor-Leste lidera husi feto ida, no 36.9 per cent husi kadeira sira (24 husi 65) iha Parlamentu Nasional, feto sira mak asume. F-FDTL (Forsa Armada Timor-Leste) foin lalais ne’e anunsia nomeasaun ba ofisiál feto Timor-Leste nian dahuluk nu’udar kapitaun, ne’ebé marka progresu signifikativu iha reprezentasaun jéneru no lideransa iha militár laran. Maski nune’e, feto sira nafatin ladún reprezenta iha espektru hotu-hotu iha foti desizaun nian. To’o tinan 2023, 4 per cent de’it husi Xefe Suku eleitu mak feto. Reprezentasaun feto sira-nian iha forsa polísia nasionál hamutuk 15 per cent, ne’ebé la tuir alvu ne’ebé define ona iha nia Estratejia Jéneru 18 per cent ba 2022.
Governu Timor-Leste, iha Ministeriu Interior nia lideransa no koordenasaun, kontinua promove igualdade jéneru no direitu feto no labarik-feto sira-nian, tanba Timor-Leste esforsu hela hodi sustenta pás no aselera progresu dezenvolvimentu nian iha dékade rua nia laran hafoin restaurasaun independénsia. Iha loron 11 Novembru 2021, iha komemorasaun aniversáriu ba da-21 RKSNU 1325, Ministeriu Interior no UN Women ofisialmente inaugura estrutura PAN 1325 ba planeamentu no dezenvolvimentu faze daruak husi enkuadramentu nasionál FPS nian. Dezenvolvimentu PAN 1325 faze daruak ne’e hanesan prosesu multi-interesada no partisipativu ne’ebé lidera husi Ministeriu Interior, ho apoiu tékniku husi UN Women, hafoin hala’o semináriu konsultasaun no validasaun ho instituisaun governu sira, OSS sira, no parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira iha nivel nasionál no munisípiu durante períodu 2021-2023. Reprezentante sira husi grupu feto, feto rurál sira, feto ho defisiénsia sira, feto sobrevivente sira husi konflitu pasadu, ema ho defisiénsia sira, no komunidade LGBTIQ + inklui iha konsultasaun sira. Totál instituisaun governu 15 no organizasaun sosiedade sivíl 14 hetan konsulta no envolve iha dezenvolvimentu no elaborasaun PAN 1325 faze daruak nian.
Aprovasaun PAN 1325 (2024-2028) husi Konsellu Ministrus iha loron 10 Janeiru 2024 hatudu kompromisu boot husi Governu Timor-Leste atu halo planu, dezenvolve, implementa no investe iha avansa ninia ajenda nasionál ba FPS iha kontestu pos-rekuperasaun COVID-19 no Timor-Leste ninia adezaun ba Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Atu hetan informasaun liután kona-ba média, favór kontaktu:
SEKRETARIADU PAN 1325, Ministeriu Interior
Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste
Mobile: +670 7812 4549; +670 7812 4550 | Email: lilocar64@gmail.com
Mr. Felix Maia
Communications Analyst, UN Women Timor-Leste
UN House Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste,
Mobile: +670 7715 0812 | Email: felix.maia@unwomen.org | Facebook: UN Women Timor-Leste