• Website:https://www.apsw-thailand.org
  • Type of Organization:Community-based Non Governmental Organization
  • Geographic Focus:Thailand
  • Demographic Focus:Women and girls, Youth, People with disabilities, Peace and Security, Rural Women, Migrant and displaced women, IP women, Farmers, Fisherfolks, IDPs, Children, Informal Sectors, Vulnerable Groups, Conflict stakeholders, Indigenous Peoples, Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Stateless Persons
  • Top 3 Priorities:1. Reducing gender-based violence through safe shelter and economic opportunities 2. Policy advocacy on gender equality mainstreaming and enhance women's political participation and networking to reform laws and policies
  • WPS Area of Focus:Support for WPS normative development/ National Action Plans ;Strengthening women’s participation in peace processes and mediation, conflict prevention and peacebuilding ;Women’s participation in disaster risk reduction, protection in Crisis and disaster response ;Access to Justice ;Gender responsive budgeting, data and statistics;Women’s political participation;

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