ASEAN Regional Framework On Protection, Gender, and Inclusion in Disaster Management 2021–2025
Publication Date: October 13, 2021
Total Pages: 32
Organization: ASEAN; UN Women
Languages: English
Country/Region: Southeast Asia
Topic Area: Gender equality and women’s empowerment, Peace and security, Relief and Recovery, Disaster Risk Reduction
Year: 2021
Resource Type: Policy Papers, Action Plan
The ASEAN Regional Framework on Protection, Gender, and Inclusion in Disaster Management 2021-2025 (ARF-PGI) aims to articulate a common vision for promoting PGI in disaster management in the ASEAN region, in line with One ASEAN One Response. The Framework aims to support the implementation of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) Work Programme 2021-2025 and other regional declarations and plans by: i) Consolidating regional commitments across sectors on target actions for achieving inclusive disaster management; ii) Identifying entry points for collaboration between National Disaster Management Organizations (NDMOs) and other organizations working on gender and social inclusion issues; and iii) Supporting ASEAN Member States (AMS) in setting priorities, indicators, and targets for measuring progress in protection, gender, and inclusion (PGI) at the national level, while establishing indicators and a baseline for measuring progress at the regional level.
Built upon the foundation of core commitments under the ASEAN Community Blueprint in the areas of disaster management, gender mainstreaming, the prevention and response to GBV, child protection, and disability inclusion, the Framework outlines a set of target actions under the three pillars of Protection, Gender, and Inclusion. The principles of leadership and meaningful engagement of those most affected by disasters, including women, children, youth, elderly, the poor, and people with disabilities, cuts across all three pillars of the Framework.
At the regional level, the Framework serves as the main PGI strategy to all ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM) Working Groups in the implementation of the AADMER Work Programme 2021-2025, as well as ASEAN sectoral bodies in cross-sectoral collaborations to address these issues in the context of disaster management. It will form the basis of annual progress reports on PGI for ASEAN platforms. Recognizing the diversity of contexts within the ASEAN region, the Framework also offers AMS a range of options to design country-specific interventions on PGI in disaster management in line with national and local contexts.