Feminist climate justice think pieces: Centering Reparation, Intersectionality and Interdependence in Feminist Climate Justice
Publication Date: October 27, 2024
Total Pages: 18
Organization: UN Women
Languages: English
Country/Region: Global
Topic Area: Gender equality and women’s empowerment, Peace and security, Relief and Recovery
Year: 2024
Resource Type: Policy Papers
In this paper, I address two aspects of UN-Women’s programme of work on feminist climate justice. First,
to elaborate on the potential of adding a fourth R– reparation – to the now established justice-trio
of redistribution, recognition and representation. Second, to set out the ways in which a feminist ethics
of care presents important synergies with proposals for ecological justice and decolonial thinking. I explain how this not only gives rise to a new set of moral and material obligations, but also, crucially,
provides the potential for progressive solidarities and transformative alliances