National Action Plan on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism

Publication Date: February 11, 2022

Total Pages: 16

Organization: Initiative to Promote Tolerance and Prevent Violence (INITIATE.MY)

Languages: English, Malay

Country/Region: Malaysia

Topic Area: Gender Mainstreaming, National planning, Civil Society

Year: 2022

Resource Type: Reports


The mandate to develop the National Plan of Action on Prevention and Counter Violent Extremism (NAPPCVE or NAP) is derived from the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 to address the changing threats of violent extremism. At the time of writing, Malaysia is still at the stage of developing the NAP under the purview of the Ministry of Home Affairs and anticipated to be launched in the first quarter of 2022. At the right time, Initiative to Promote Tolerance and Prevent Violence (INITIATE.MY) organised an independent consultation on NAPPCVE on 22nd December 2021 with more than 25 representatives from a wider Malaysian CSOs to collect feedback and recommendations on the NAPPCVE drafting process. The participants agreed that the NAP process should be a stepping stone for the government to show honest commitments to address extremism and greater accountability in the security area. Hence, the role of CSOs is vital in a national-level democratic process like the NAP to localise the approaches and ensure the sustainable impacts in addressing violent extremism.

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