National Action Plan on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security (2016-2020)
Publication Date: October 31, 2016
Total Pages: 42
Languages: English
Country/Region: Timor-Leste
Topic Area: Gender Mainstreaming, Gender equality and women’s empowerment, Peace and security, National planning, Localization
Year: 2013
Resource Type: Action Plan
During conflict and war Timorese women had various roles and duties, alongside or independent from their traditional roles as mothers, sister’s or those taking care of the family and household. Although many women became victims of violence during the occupation many made great contributions to the liberation struggle, to peace, stability and to the well-being of family and society.
At present Timorese women have important roles and duties in our State and within society and play a key part in the composition of the government, parliament and other State institutions through their active participation, leadership and commitment. However, although there has been progress and many changes in the lives of women have been realized, society recognizes that women do not yet fully enjoy
their rights and live a life in dignity. Women have not yet been recognized for their contribution to the independence struggle. Moreover, women continue to face violence and discrimination at home and in public spaces, because of the discrimination and limitations imposed upon them. These challenges prevent women from active participation in the peacebuilding, conflict resolution and development process, even though in reality, women do play a crucial role in peacebuilding and conflict prevention.
UNSCR 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security, adopted unanimously in October 2000, encourages UN Member States to include women in all processes for peace and security.
More than ten years after the adoption of Resolution 1325, women still do not have the same position and roles in peacebuilding and security processes as most men. Because of this, and in order to improve the
situation and position of women, the UN Secretary General urges UN Member States to develop a national action plan for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000).
Timor–Leste’s National Action Plan for the implementation of UNSCR 1325(2000) is the results of a participatory multi-stakeholder process that was initiated by the Secretary of State for Security in 2013. Prior to the actual drafting of the NAP, a series of learning events, internal and external consultations were organized to mobilize the support and involvement of key stakeholders who represented over 25 government institutions, civil society and women’s organizations, including academics and development partners.