Publication Date: September 27, 2024

Total Pages: 34

Organization: UN Women and UN DESA

Languages: English

Country/Region: Global

Topic Area: Gender equality and women’s empowerment, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Resource Type: Research


This year marks a pivotal moment for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the future of
global development cooperation. With only six years remaining until the 2030 deadline for the goals, progress has been too slow, especially on gender equality. The Summit of the Future and the forthcoming thirtieth anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action provide critical opportunities to
recommit to accelerating progress on gender equality and women’s rights, including by implementing
evidence-based, well-resourced, high-impact and time-bound actions in each country.

Acknowledging the negative impact of recurrent crises, the United Nations has identified six investment
pathways for revitalizing SDG implementation, known as the Six Transitions.

While gender equality is not a distinct transition, all six depend on realizing it, alongside urgent complementary action on key areas of the Beijing Platform for Action, such as ending violence against women, equal participation in decision making, and women, peace and security.

This section highlights the interconnections among the six transitions and gender equality. The remainder of the report provides a goal-by-goal assessment of the status of gender equality across all 17 goals and many actions needed to accelerate progress.

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