National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2017-2022 (Philippines)
Publication Date: January 1, 2017
Total Pages: 31
Languages: English
Country/Region: Philippines
Topic Area: Gender Mainstreaming, Gender equality and women’s empowerment, Peace and security, Conflict prevention, Relief and Recovery, National planning, Civil Society, Localization
Year: 2015
Resource Type: Action Plan
In 2014, after the collective assessment and a series of consultation meetings between relevant agencies implementing the NAP WPS, further streamlining of the Action Points and Indicators resulted in the crafting of the second-generation NAP WPS or the 2014 NAP WPS. These measures were then used in the 2015 evaluation of the implementation of the NAP WPS initiatives. The results of this baseline research was published in a report entitled “Women, Peace and Security: A Study to Implement UNSCR 1325.”
The NAP WPS 2017-2022 essentially takes off from the findings of the study on the implementation of the 2010-2016 NAP WPS, specifically, building on its gains and addressing the gaps. Procedurally, the drafting involved an updating seminar and a series of meetings of the NSC WPS Technical Working Group (TWG) on the continuous refinement of the draft, consultation with representatives of civil society organizations, and deliberation and further inputs from the members of the Executive Committee of the NSC WPS. However, the main strategy employed was a consultative and collaborative process between various stakeholders, particularly, duty-bearers who are the main implementers of the NAP WPS.