Women’s Meaningful Participation in Peace and Political Processes in Fragile Contexts, 2022
Publication Date: May 28, 2022
Total Pages: 5
Organization: UN Women
Languages: English
Country/Region: Global
Topic Area: Gender Mainstreaming, Gender equality and women’s empowerment, Peace and security
Resource Type: Briefs
Formal mediation processes around the world remain largely stalled, and women are still mostly absent from peace processes. This, in turn, results in peace agreements and ceasefires that rarely address the perspectives, needs, and concerns of women and other vulnerable groups.
Women’s participation in mediation is essential for achieving lasting and positive peace that goes well beyond the silencing of guns, and their absence from mediation spaces can endanger the long-term sustainability of any peace agreement.
Gender-inclusive peacemaking is an area of focus within the women, peace, and security (WPS) agenda of UN Women that remains particularly resistant to change, despite the progress made since the passing of the landmark Security Council resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325). Between 1992 and 2018, women’s inclusion in formal processes globally has been far from full or equal. In 2020, women represented only 23 per cent of delegates in global peace processes led or co-led by the United Nations – a share that would have
been even lower without persistent measures by the UN.